It is impossible not to make mistakes when entering the world of entrepreneurship, or simply the professional world. It is human and necessary to make mistakes because it’s from these mistakes that we learn. On the other hand, it is not useful to learn the same thing twice. In other words, to make the same mistake twice. Admitting that one has been wrong allows one to learn, to grow and then to move on.

Here is a panel of errors that you can allow yourself to do only once. (But if you have not done them yet, get ahead, and simply avoid them!)

Ignore one’s instinct

Sometimes it is a must to trust his instincts. We feel that something is wrong, without being able to explain why. Consider your hunches in order to give you a broader spectrum of reflection and you will be more confident in your decisions.

Avoid difficult questions

When you create a partnership with third parties, difficult questions must be asked from the start to avoid any problems later. Typically it’s money, investment, role, etc. When you are in a company, questions about the scope of your work related to your supervisor and/or your team arise, whether you perform your tasks correctly, if you need to improve on a particular point … Questions or requests are not always easy to express verbally. Do not push back the moment to approach them. What is done is more to do and you will free from this moment that’s not always pleasant.

Not coming out of the comfort zone

If you constantly favor security, do you think that you will limit errors? Not necessarily, but on the other hand what you will limit irreparably, it is the opportunities. A resounding success often occurs when one has taken risks. It is better to try something new and fail than to be comfortable with it, because failure is a form of learning.

Aiming for perfection

The concept of perfection is in fact something wrong. I think that it does not exist, because no individual has the same perception of things, nor the same requirements. The assessment criteria may be at different levels. That’s why when one is an entrepreneur, we speak about MVP – Minimum Valuable Project – Everything is always perfectible.

Relatedly, do not try to please everyone either. We all seek the approval of others and wish to be “well loved”. But if it becomes a priority goal, we quickly realize that it is impossible to satisfy everyone. Trying to please everyone is wasting one’s time, however focusing on those who we already please to enrich and strengthen relationships is much more rewarding.

Putting blame on others

If you tend to blame others, to not assume your responsibilities then this may be destructive for you and those around you. It is human, however, to react this way because it is sometimes difficult to question and admit that we are responsible for a failure. People who fail should be accountable, which earns them the respect of others. They take responsibility for their mistakes and eventually overcome them.

Being guided by one’s emotions in decision making

We all know that you have to take a step back, not be overwhelmed by emotion when you have to make a decision. Jealousy, doubt, or anger can lead to extreme, premature, or disproportionate decisions. Even the most logical people can see their judgment become confused and can be lost in bad arbitrations. Generally, one must have lived it so as not to fall back into the trap.

Not knowing when to take a break

To achieve your dreams and goals, you have to put your heart to work, it’s undeniable. Only, one must not confuse perseverance and relentlessness. It is necessary to aim for a fair balance in one’s life so as not to reach burnout. This will only generate stress and will slow your progress. Give yourself time to breathe, to rest, and to get yourself out of the work environment to recharge your batteries and come back with new ideas and motivation.

Staying on your own mind

The saying that only idiots do not change their mind makes sense in the professional sphere. Certainly, being tenacious is crucial for success, but a gap between the determination of inflexibility. To categorically refuse to change your mind about an issue can potentially lead to failure. This is why there is the term “pivot” in the world of startups – it’s these companies that at one point changed their way of seeing, selling their product, positioning themselves, etc.

Forgetting passion

If you do something that does not interest you, eventually you will get tired. Successful individuals do not necessarily like all aspects of their work, yet they remain deeply committed and passionate about their goals and the ideas they represent. The end does not always justify the means, people who have succeeded may have already been stuck in a stalemate or forced to do something they hated. But they will not do it a second time, regardless of the amount of their salary.


Certainly, all truths are not necessarily good to say. Lying in the professional world can sometimes get you out of trouble, but it is not a permanent solution because sooner or later, the truth ends up being known and it can be more or less dramatic. When we are not quite honest, it can turn against us. In addition to tarnishing a company’s or a person’s reputation, it can have even longer-term impacts on a career or projects.

Not knowing to say no

When developing a business and many opportunities arise, especially when you are asked by many customers, it is tempting to say yes to everyone. It’s a mistake, you have to know how to set limits, your own limits, so as not to be at the mercy of others. It is also necessary to know how to say no to colleagues because if you spend time and energy on tasks that are not assigned to you, or that you do not want to do, it will be at the expense of your work.

Not keeping one’s word

Making promises is good, keeping them is better, but it’s especially difficult. It is a golden rule in business not to promise a customer deliverables or a deadline that can not be met. If you are not able to really stand behind it, you will increase the dissatisfaction rate of your customers. Your word commits you. It is imperative to be able to answer to what you have promised, otherwise you can be sure that this customer will never come back to you.

Forgetting that “one goes fast, several goes far”

When we get into entrepreneurship, we tend to want to do everything alone. It is a mistake. Seeking help from one or more third parties is necessary. We always need a helping hand, just as it is necessary to give oneself a helping hand.

Forgetting the big picture

It’s easy to get lost in the daily swirl of life; to lose sight of your main goals, your aspirations, the reason you do what you do. It is vital to keep the focus of your concerns on the goals you set for yourself in the beginning. They help set daily priorities and help move you toward your primary goals.

Focusing on your competitors

And not on the competition in the broad sense and the need of one’s customers. Instead of focusing solely on the success of your competitors, their communication, their services, make sure to always satisfy your customers. It is of course imperative to know the trends of one’s sector, to apprehend and study, but we must stop considering one’s competitors as sworn enemies. Thus, you will spend more time working on yourself, your products, your services, so you can improve your weaknesses and better position yourself in your specificity.

Not knowing how to bounce back

You spent two years building your company and it’s not working. You have invested a lot of money and you do not want to let it slip through your fingers. Two scenarios: this is a recent situation, so you have to fight, setting deadlines (if in 2 months things do not change, I act …) or this situation lasted for a while, then we must know how to make tough but necessary decisions. You hang on because you do not want to “lose” what you have already invested. This is called an unrecoverable cost error. Those who succeed are those who knew how to “stop the massacre”. The sooner you move on, the sooner you can bounce back and not make the same mistakes, because all the ones you have done before will serve you for your new initiatives.

Learning from one’s mistakes is strongly rooted in the Anglo-Saxon culture, it was also the subject of one of my articles on the culture of failure. This approach is beginning to be understood and valued in France, but not necessarily in all professional environments.

Remember, making mistakes is imperative, not redoing them is vital.