Become a co-opter and earn up to €1000
The stages of co-option
You browse the offers to be co-opted on our website
One of the positions may be of interest to someone you know
You forward the offer to them and they agree to be co-opted
You fill in the co-option form, with the CV of the co-opted person
We send you an email to confirm the co-opted candidate's application
If the co-optee is hired you receive a bonus or you can make a donation to an association
Co-opt to donate to an association
If you wish to do so, ArchiBat HR will pay, on your behalf, all or part of the bonus to one of its partner associations of your choice.
Co-opter regulations
- Before recommending someone you know, read the job description carefully and only forward the position if it matches their experience, skills and expectations. Co-option only applies to permanent contract positions or fixed-term contracts of more than six months with the aim of being made permanent.
- Contact the person you wish to co-opt to make sure they are interested in the position and ensure they agree to the co-opting process. Each co-opted application must be accompanied by an up-to-date CV.
- PLEASE NOTE: the co-opted person must not be in contact with ArchiBat HR, have already applied for one of our positions, be in the process of recruitment with ArchiBat HR or appear in our database.
- The co-opted person must be duly authorised to work in France, and must have a residence and work permit.
- Each co-opted application must be approved by ArchiBat HR. This approval occurs when we send a confirmation email. If you have not received a confirmation email within 72 hours, this means that the co-opted person's application is not eligible for co-option regardless of the position. (Cf criteria above)
- If the co-opted person takes up a position with an ArchiBat HR client within 12 months following the confirmation of the co-option (date of receipt of the confirmation email) and if their trial period is successful, you will receive the bonus specified on the position, by bank transfer or cheque made out to you. You can also choose to donate all or part of your bonus to one of our partner associations.
- In the event of renewal of the trial period or extension of the fixed-term contract, payment by ArchiBat HR to the co-opter will be postponed by the same amount. Payment will only be made in the event of recruitment at the end of the probationary period or at the end of the fixed-term contract.
- In the event of an unsuccessful trial period, ArchiBat HR will not pay a bonus to the cooperator..
- If the co-opted person is recommended by more than one co-opter, the co-opter who sent the co-option form first will be eligible for the payment of the bonus in the event of sucessful recruitment.
- No co-option bonus will be paid by ArchiBat HR to candidates who are both co-opters and co-opted (self-co-option).
- If the co-opter has a microenterprise, a company or self-employed status, the co-opter will issue an invoice corresponding to the amount of the bonus. The various taxes and fees shall be the sole responsibility of the co-opter. If the co-opter does not fall under the previous statutes, co-option bonuses are given occasionally, subject to income tax in the Micro BNC category. It is the co-opter's sole responsibility to determine whether his or her role as a co-opter is legal under the laws applicable to him or her.
- By co-opting someone from your network, you agree to abide by the co-opter's regulations.
For any information regarding co-option, you can contact us at: