Since 1985, ArchiBat HR selects the talents and resources that contribute to your success.

We always respond with the same passion to optimize your recruitment process and facilitate the management of your teams.

Recruitment & Talent sourcing

You want to recruit profiles that will be talents in the long term, candidates who perfectly match the DNA of your company… You want both save time and make successful recruitments...

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Temporary work & Staff placement

You have to cope with extra activity, you need specific skills urgently, you want to strengthen your teams temporarily while reducing your administrative tasks...

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Wage portage & Freelance

You want to modulate your resources according to your workload, set up an in-house team and outsource management, you are looking for freelancer staff...

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ArchiBat Prem's

You want to hire trainees, junior profiles, HMONP architects, collaborators in training: publish your ads on ArchiBat Prem's, it's FREE!

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ArchiBat Connect

You wish to post job offers on our website, publish on our social networks, develop your HR communication, send us your ads...

Send an offer

ArchiBat Mag

You want to publish projects or news on ArchiBat Mag, announce an event, establish a partnership with us...

Contact us

Call us!

… And if you do not find what you are looking for among our various services, call us directly on +33 (0)1 42 71 71 01, we will certainly find the best solution for you!

Whatever your search, we have the right profile for you

Are you looking for an architect project manager? Assistant architects? A branch manager? Several revit designers in emergency? A master builder? A works engineer? An experienced interior designer? A visual merchandiser? A real estate manager? A BIM expert? A freelance designer? A trainee?

Whatever your preferences, we have the right service for you

You wish to recruit in fixed-term, CDI, CDD followed by a CDI, building site contract, part-time contract, arranged time contract? Do you need a temporary work assignment? Do you prefer a freelance, a self-entrepreneur? Are you looking for an alternating contract?

Yesterday the company recruited, today companies and candidates recruit each other

Often, the recruitment process is set up in an emergency logic. And this urgency accentuates the idea that we are short of candidates. But what is mostly lacking is time. ArchiBat HR is organized and structured to ensure a permanent watch: anticipate the needs of companies, continuously source the right profiles, identify and contact potential candidates, know the operational candidates immediately available... At the heart of a professional network, which we develop daily through multichannel tools, we will introduce you those who will prove talent for your company in the long term... or in case of emergency.

And if for your next recruitment, you would no longer look for this 5-legged sheep meeting countless requirement? If you were just looking for a beautiful personality? The one who will be able to express his full potential in your organization, the one who will want to develop his talents in your company? Someone who will convince you with his personality, his motivation, his strong adaptability... With ArchiBat HR, open your horizons and change your vision of human resources.