Do you know what ArchiBat HR's biggest strength is?
Since 1985, we have been highly specialised and independent, which means that we are a very flexible and autonomous structure. We avoid being too rigid, in order to respond as precisely as possible to companies' and candidates' needs and expectations. For recruitment services and talent sourcing, payments come only as success fees. So, you have everything to gain by letting us take care of your searches and we have everything to gain by finding you that rare gem!
Who are our consultants? Architects, engineers, retail designers... just like you!
Did you know that ArchiBat HR is exclusively specialised in the fields of Architecture, Engineering, Retail Design and Real Estate... and that it has been for now 30 years? We are so specialised that our consultants themselves are architects, retail designers and engineers... Just like you. What about your ArchiBat HR consultant? You will be on first name terms, of course! Do you know Caroline, Laurent, Letizia or Sandrine? At ArchiBat HR, you have a designated consultant who deals with your project from start to finish. Your ArchiBat HR consultant will become your daily point of contact for your search and it is with him or her that you will build your recruitment project and its success... actually, we should say OUR recruitment project... Yes, we are really passionate about our profession!
The largest network of professionals in Europe and Asia
The heart of our professional network, started in 1985, is based on a network of 60,000 specialized profiles and more than 40,000 professionals who follow us on social media.. We can truly claim that we carefully keep up with the career paths of your future employees, creative staff, technical profiles and managers. It would be an over-exaggeration to pretend to know everybody in the fields of architecture & construction. Nonetheless, at ArchiBat HR we know that, to find the best, you must follow one golden rule: keep a close eye on candidates' career paths in the long term, create connections, and keep in touch.
What is the secret to recruiting the best? Constant monitoring to anticipate your needs....
Digitalisation has changed the game's rules in recruitment, and the increased number of channels for contacting people has made the task even more complex. Now you generally need to go in search of good candidates. Talent sourcing involves well-established, highly specialised, multilingual profiles... with rare skills and experience that are particularly valued by companies. Obviously, it isn't easy to find these rare gems that will contribute to the success of your company; but, we have our little secrets for finding and contacting them, and sparking their interest in a new professional challenge. This constant monitoring means we can more quickly identify the best candidates when you request a search from us, and get in touch to offer them new challenges.
Find out more about our services: Temporary Work & Staff placement, Wage portage & Freelance, ArchiBat Prem's.